Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Review

Any fan of the previous Batman movies will greatly enjoy this very deep and quite dramatic action packed movie.   I am not going to sit here and spoil it for anyone unlike most reviews online.  Instead I will tell you this is very well worth watching even though it is a very long movie.  Around the 2 hours and 40mins mark.  This movie is more of a movie that has a very serious feeling to it. I have to say,  Anne Hathaway has got to be the most sexiest catwoman I have ever seen! Oh my goodness lol.   So if you have no way of seeing this great movie in theater, be sure to rent it or even buy it when it becomes available on dvd/blu-ray.  

My personal rating a 10 out of 10.  Big time.    

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Elder Scrolls Skyrim PS3

Coming from a person that used to be a hardcore World of Warcraft player.  This game is truly amazing.  I don't have to deal with a bunch of immaturity from other users while trying to quest.  Everything you do molds your character into exactly how you want to play it.   It also has a decent main quest story line.  Now about the only problem I have with this some of the other systems have bugs and this one seems to have the majority of them.   I've come across saves being corrupted.  Making things funky when you tried to load.  (I had NO doors in my house so I couldn't even leave LOL).  The simple fix was erasing the small corrupt save that I seen.  Luckily I didn't lose anything.  Still I thought that was a bit retarded.  So other than that and a few glitches where it would literally FREEZE or your character would actually get stuck some where.  The graphics look very amazing.  In some ways it seems a little rushed on the stability the patches seem to fix a lot of the bugs but it still has some.   I of course feel this game is totally worth buying.  It has expansions the latest being Dawnguard.  Only being released for Xbox 360 currently.  So everyone else has to wait.  Course the wait could also mean many more bug fixes at least I hope.   Let me tell you, you can gain A LOT of power in this game.  Do what I did however and just try to take your time and build things up gradually.   I am going to let you know a little secret that is well known anyways.   You can be a vampire or a werewolf each has it's own strengths and weakness's.   The main weakness for vampire that right away turned me away from bothering to be one was the fact that you will be hated by everyone if seen and also you can only be out at night.   If you try to go in the sun, you are weakened and also your health will not regenerate at all.   That sounds like pure suicide to me because there are enemies every where in Skyrim.   Especially the random dragons that spawn.   I find the werewolf(beast form) very strong to fight against damn near every foe out there.    You can use this when you feel like you can't get through otherwise.  (I had a few moments like this early on, an example would be a master necromancer).    The expansion of Dawnguard seems to favor dragons more than werewolves from what I've seen/read.   I have yet to play it but I plan on getting it hopefully in the future!  Till then, I am still playing and doing random quests(There are quests that never end).   I also think there are a few side quests I missed.  Oh and for the record I have a warrior/hunter type of character and when I swing my two-handed hammer think "HULKSMASH!"  ROFL.   So what are you doing? Sitting here reading this!  Go out and buy Elder Scrolls Skyrim and enjoy!          

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 PS3 Review

Normally I don't play military themed games let alone a game that is focused mainly on online gaming.  This game is very fun and even the regular campaign mode is decent.  Although it is rather short it gets you a feel for the game's controls.  There are a ton of fun things to do on the game.  Survival mode is fun especially when you play with a friend.  You go against computer controlled enemies and take on wave after wave until you finally both die.  Each wave gets harder as well.  Now the main reason people play this game is the online multiplayer.  Also has different type of games to play.  My favorite out of the bunch so far is Team Defender where you have to capture a flag and hold it and defend.   My other favorite is Kill Confirmed where you team up and kill the other team players and confirm each kill to score points.  Now the main downside I see from this multiplayer gaming are as follows.  There are some times lags.  There seem to be a lot of people that just play this 24 hours a day.  I mean seriously..  It is ok to go outside lol.  Don't fall into that category.   Take breaks.  Do other things.  I am glad I can actually turn off the sound on the voice chat with my headset because well there are A LOT of immature kids on this game and also foreign people that can't even speak english.   So is the multiplayer fun?  yes it is fun but if you find yourself having a team of retards with their head up their ass you won't have much fun because you will be feeling like there isn't anything you can do to win the match.  I try to play just to have fun.  But not every game is fun to me.  I also think the main factor is because I don't have many friends that play the game either.  Although the way the system works you can end up going against them which I think is kind of dumb.  Especially since it throws you against a bunch of high levels quite a lot.  All of the higher levels have a better advantage over you if you are just starting out.   I think the match making system is retarded as hell to be honest.    Most matches are completely unbalanced.  There were a few games that were neck and neck on the score.  Now those games, are the ones that are balanced correctly.     The others not so much.  Those are the ones that is damn near one sided the whole match.   Watching the score go only one way the whole game and being on the losing side isn't fun I wouldn't think for any one.   Overall this is a some what decent game.  It i best if you know a lot of people that play so you can team together and have fun.   Not so much if you are flying solo with randoms which is how every game is for me for the most part.     

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Saints Row 2 Review

I am so happy about being able to get this game 100% free with the purchase of Saints Row The Third. This game has a few side missions that Saints Row The Third didn't have. One of which involves using a sewage truck to spray raw sewage on people and buildings lol. The game is hilarious just like the other one. You never really get too bored with it. The story mode seemed a lot harder than Saints Row The Third was. The driving controls were a bit ridiculous(Improved on Saints Row The Third). Despite a few little things like that, this game is still a very fun and humorous game. I am looking forward to Saints Row 4. Saints Row 2 and 3 are both awesome.