Monday, July 4, 2011

InFamous review!

This game is all kinds of awesome.  I really mean that.  The game play is very fun and has a lot of challenging aspects to it.  Including many side missions you can do on top of the normal story missions.  Another part of the game I like is you can get to choose deciding factors for a "good" decision or an "evil" one.  I've completed the game as the "good" side.  You are known as a Hero on this.  Each side has specific powers.  The evil side has more destructive powers.  So I am going to break this game down to you.

-Cool story
-Free roaming do what you want game play style.
-Lots of missions 
-The powers you get are beyond cool.
-Virtually no loading times at all.
-Smooth game play.

None that I noticed really to be honest. I think my only complaint is some times there were weird wall situations where I would go through them lol.  I didn't find that much of this however but it is there in spots.

I HIGHLY recommend this game it is well worth the price it is.  Currently it is free online for PS3 users.  Which is how I got it.  I am happy Sony did this.  It is a great game and has caused me to eventually buy InFamous 2 in the near future. :)

UPDATE! I successfully beat this game on the evil side. I gotta say it plays way different on that side enemies seem to want your head a lot more lol Also the normal civilians hate your guts. The powers are amazing though very extremely destructive. Seemed a lot more fun on this side to me. Course I was also going around randomly blowing up cars lol Any how. It is a great game!

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